niedziela, 5 czerwca 2011

My Last Post

Now I'm writing last post . Why? Becouse blog was project for english and I had to write 30 posts . With this I'll have 31 so it's done . I want to thanks every person who just look for my blog . In has 138 vievs . (I know most is mine) . But most I want to thanks olka216 the person who give my post a comment! :) Thanks!

I wish after my blog you may know which movies or books are worthy to see or to read . (Of coure if you had taste similar to mine).


Book Summary!

And like previous post summary but this time about books . Let's start!

8 points:
"Woman On The Second End Of The World" - Martyna Wojciechowska
"No Time For Goodbye" - Linwood Barclay
"Le Petit Nicholas" - Jacques Sempe
"Exposed" - Alex Kava

8,5 points:
"Too Close To Home" - Linwoon Barclay

9 points:
"Fiveplets Dogs" - Wanda Chotomska
"Black Friday" - Alex Kava

9,5 points:
"Just One Look" - Harlan Coben

And allocation of seats:

4. "Woman On The Second End Of The World" - Martyna Wojciechowska (from 8 points)
3. "Too Close To Home" - Linwoon Barclay (from 8,5 points - simple choice :P )
2. "Black Friday" - Alex Kava (from 9 points)
1. "Just One Look" - Harlan Coben (from 9,5 points)

And again I didn't rate any book for 10 points and again by the same reason . But I must grant - book which has 1 place could have 10 points :) 

Film Summary!

It will rely on this that I will write here movies that has mark 8 or more than 8 points . So let's start!

8 points:
"Heartbreak Kid"
"Leap Year"
"Mamma Mia"

8,5 points:
"Piratef of the Caribbean : The Curse Of The Black Pearl""
"Old Dogs"
"Yes Man"

9 points:
"Across The Universe"
"Grown Ups"
"The Road To El Dorado"
"Love Actually"

9,5 points:
"Piglet's Big Movie"
"Bucket List"
"Leon The Proffesional"

If I must chose one movie from every cathegory I will chose:

 4. "Mamma Mia" (from 8 points)
3.  "Kiler" (from 8,5 points)
2. "Across The Universe" (from 9 points)
And the hardest one:
1. "Bucket List" (from 9,5 points)

Maybe you think why I didn't rate any movie 10 points . Becous from now I didn't see any movie who deservet for full 10 :)

"Hat for 100 000" - Adam Bachdaj , "Heartbreak Kid"

This book is for kids and teenagers . So it can be even for us but I think for younger . I liked it few years ago and from 2 year I have a plan to read it one more time . But I don't have enough motivation :)

12 years old Krystal , "Nine" , chef of Warsaw gang meet a man whose cap dissapeard . He told her that hat is worth 100 000 becouse in it it was winner lotto ticket . Now she with a help from ornithologist Matthew want to retrieve hat .

This book i adventure and funny book . Krystal change to spy and track suspicious people . I give it 7,5/10 .

And movie time! It will be "Heartbreak Kid" . Of course comedy . And again with Ben Stiller . I like him . He is created to comedies like Jim Carrey but he doesn't equal by him . 

Eddie has no luck in love, still looking for its second part, but always without success. One day he meets a woman who seems to him the other half of his dream. Not wondering proposes to her, and finally he takes her wedding. When they go on honeymoon come to light the differences between them, and the true nature of the main character's wife - turns out to be invasive and full of flaws woman. Meanwhile, Eddie meets Miranda, who is the fulfillment of his dreams. Not afraid to have decisions made hastily. But how to explain to his wife that there were perfect for each other half ...?

This film is very funny but sometimes stupid . Generally funny :) My favourite part is when they ride car and she sing all the time despite Eddie's requests . I give it 8/10 . 

"Fiveplets Dogs" - Wanda Chotomska , "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"

I didn't know how to translate "Pięciopsiaczki" so it can be weirt title . This book was my favourite when I was child . I loved it! I could read it times infinity . It was very short book .

Balbina birth to five puppies. All busy goofing off all day. But all is forgiven them - it's just kids. Dog children. Prior to their owners - a nice siblings: Caroline and Karl - is no mean task: the dogs have found a new home!

This book is very interesting and funny and just great . I give it 9/10 points . 

And a pirats! Genious Depp's facial expression . He plays brilliantly . This film I saw first time few days ago . And I want to wach all parts :)

Elizabeth has 10 years old . When she is on ship she see a boy on board swimming in sea . She save him and see a few burning ships . She see a medalion on his neck and take it . After this she see black ship with black sails . When she is 18 years old she is kidnaped by Barbossa, bad pirat who wants to use her to remove curse . Will who fall in love with her ask for help Jack Sparrow . They both go to save Elizabeth . 

This film is very funny becous of main character Jack . Film is about love , pirats and curse . It is very good and I give it 8,5/10 .

piątek, 3 czerwca 2011

"No Time For Goodbye" - Linwood Barclay , "Leap Year"

A book will be crime . What's a suprise :) but in my oppinios this are best books . "No Time For Goodbye" is a little not realistic . But I still like it . It's interesting and kept in suspense . 

The house was deathly quiet. That was the first sign that something was terribly wrong. Fourteen-year-old Cynthia Bigge woke that morning to find herself alone. Her family—mother, father, and brother—had vanished without a word, without a note, without a trace. Twenty-five years later, Cynthia is still looking for answers. Now she is about to learn the devastating truth. 

What I like best in this book i narrative - book is told by husband of main character . Thanks it there is more mysterious couse he think that she lies . If she will be a narrator we didn't have a suprise . It will be boring . I give it 8/10 . 

"Leap Year" is comedy of course :) It is cheerful and funny . I know my friend described it but I'll describe it again . 

A woman who has an elaborate scheme to propose to her boyfriend on Leap Day, an Irish tradition which occurs every time the date February 29 rolls around, faces a major setback when bad weather threatens to derail her planned trip to Dublin. With the help of an innkeeper, however, her cross-country odyssey just might result in her getting engaged.  

It's good movie thanks good actors . They - plays perfectly . I don't like tha man which she was to declare but I think it's why the role . I look at him and I think boor . I give it 8/10 points .

"Hex Hall" - Rachel Hawkins , "Enchanted"

I didn't write long . I didn't have time . But now I have 3 days to write 6 posts, si it don't so bad :) This time book won't be polish again . It will be "Hex Hall" . It's fantasy book .

Sophie Mercer is sixteen years old and a witch. Recently a little too enchanting to studniówce. As punishment, he goes to the reformatory for witches, vampires and elves. Quickly learns that there have recently been to a mysterious murder, which may be the darkest forces involved ... The life of a "new" is not all roses for other reasons. Handsomest boy in school is already taken. And his girlfriend, though lovely and sweet, she can get in one's hair as few others. Real trouble begins. This is just the beginning of an incredible story about the world of magic, mystery i. .. first kisses. Remember! Good girls go to school, and rude - for Hex Hall ... The choice is yours.

It's good book . Interesting . But for me it's too fantasy .  I like main character, what i can say in small group of books . I give it 7/10.

And movie time! It will be "Enchanted" . Comedy for children . I know i put here to much comedies, but this kind of films I know most :) In this movie plays Amy Adams who you could know from
"Leap Year" .

The main character is a girl who falls in love with the prince by what is thrown out by an evil queen from her cartoon realm Andalasii. Goes to the contemporary New York City where he falls in love with someone else, thinking that he is her prince. But then it appears that the evil queen looking for her ...

 This movie is too predictable and childish for me but I like it . I give it 6,5/10.