środa, 1 czerwca 2011

"Mrs Lawping Class" - Małgorzata Piekarska , "Lullaby"

Tobay book and film will be polish but described in english . Book will be "Mrs Lawping Class". It's book about life of normal girl in normal school, but problems are described in very interesting and funny way .

Margaret goes to first class of gymnasium with her friends - Martin anc Camille. They meet new people and has new adventures. And they hate Katherine - class dolly . She is presumptuous and intolerable. In book there are described all 3 years of gymnasium . And there are many fun, love and sad . 

I like this book, it makes me happy . I feel like I am main character maybe why that she is in my age . I give this book 7/10.

And a film - "Lullaby". It's vampires comedy . I know, it sounds weird but it's something like parody, but not so silly .

The main characters are family Makarewicz . Grandfather, Dad, Mother, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and fifth in a way . They move to small town Odlotowo (or something like that). And after that in town starts to dissapeard many people. What happened to them?

Movie is very funny and has genious music. I give it 8/10.

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