środa, 1 czerwca 2011

"Woman On The Second End Of The World" - Martyna Wojciechowska , "Kiler"

And again polish . It will be soon only polish becouse i can't remember other english books or films :) This time book has long title "Woman On The Second End Of The World" . The autor is traveler Martyna Wojciechowska .

Book is divited into 5 or 6 chapters . In everyone is described other history (based on facts) with many intervievs. Histeries are very differentiated, starts on family educating hippo, threw the long necks village until after the "princess" in Tokyo . It's very interested wrote.

From this book you may learn much and have fun. I give it 8/10.

And a movie "Kiler". It's comedy with Cezary Pazura in main role . In my oppinion he plays perfectly and he has genious facial expression .

One day Jurek Kiler wakes up i his bad and has been arrested . Police take him as a dangerous offender - paid killer . When he goes to jail Siara, offender, frees him and taking him by the killer too give him commission . tries to prove he is not one but nobody listens to him . So he makes a plan with a reporter Ewa. 

It's very good comedy i laugh ever since i watch it . I give it 8,5/10.

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