piątek, 3 czerwca 2011

"Hex Hall" - Rachel Hawkins , "Enchanted"

I didn't write long . I didn't have time . But now I have 3 days to write 6 posts, si it don't so bad :) This time book won't be polish again . It will be "Hex Hall" . It's fantasy book .

Sophie Mercer is sixteen years old and a witch. Recently a little too enchanting to studniówce. As punishment, he goes to the reformatory for witches, vampires and elves. Quickly learns that there have recently been to a mysterious murder, which may be the darkest forces involved ... The life of a "new" is not all roses for other reasons. Handsomest boy in school is already taken. And his girlfriend, though lovely and sweet, she can get in one's hair as few others. Real trouble begins. This is just the beginning of an incredible story about the world of magic, mystery i. .. first kisses. Remember! Good girls go to school, and rude - for Hex Hall ... The choice is yours.

It's good book . Interesting . But for me it's too fantasy .  I like main character, what i can say in small group of books . I give it 7/10.

And movie time! It will be "Enchanted" . Comedy for children . I know i put here to much comedies, but this kind of films I know most :) In this movie plays Amy Adams who you could know from
"Leap Year" .

The main character is a girl who falls in love with the prince by what is thrown out by an evil queen from her cartoon realm Andalasii. Goes to the contemporary New York City where he falls in love with someone else, thinking that he is her prince. But then it appears that the evil queen looking for her ...

 This movie is too predictable and childish for me but I like it . I give it 6,5/10.

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