wtorek, 31 maja 2011

"Too Close To Home" - Linwood Barclay , "Twilight"

Today book will be “Too Close To Home” . It’s second book of Linwood Barclay . I read “Bez Śladu” too, but it was to not realistic in end. This book is in my opinion much better . It is interesting from first to last page and has funny moments too. 

Seventeen Derek see his neightbour murder. He was in house so he is arrested by thriple murder and goes to jail . His dad wants to save him and prove that he is innocent . And while he tryind to get Derek he learns about the many mysteries including his wife . 

I don’t like in this book that it’s too short . It could be longer and ending don’t be such full of action . But it’s grate . I give it 8,5/10.

And a movie time! It’s “Twilight” . It’s about vampires but for younger people than I . And plays there Rebert Pattinson – Feeeeeeee! I don’t like him . He is so “cute” and “romantic” . And don’t plays realistic . 

Isabella Swan is searching for his place in the world, lost a teenager, silent dreamer. When she meets a handsome, brilliant and intriguing Edward Cullen does not realize that knowledge is shake her life and change them forever. Twilight is the story of the forbidden, the turbulent and dangerous affair between a young vampire and mortal.

In this film is too many love and "Oh, I love them both", "I don't know what to do" etc . Becouse it it is a little bit boring. And a book is better. In film were pominięte wiele scen . I will give it 5/10.

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