czwartek, 19 maja 2011

"Animorphs : The Invasion" - K.A. Applegate , "Hancock"

This series of books I received after her cousin. It is even interesting, but the next part of the worse. 1 is best, and again more for the guys .

Sometimes people amazing things happen. Ask Jake, it tells of one night in an abandoned building, where it together with a pack of friends saw the strange lights in the sky. Then it turned out that this is not a shooting star, but a spaceship from another planet. This is where the amazing part of the story. What would you do if you suddenly learned from the alien that the whole human race is threatened, but that can defend themselves? Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias and Mark morfowania receive the gift, which is able to transform into any animal. And this is a gift to help them to outwit and defeat the forces of evil, the most dangerous in the history of mankind.

This book is too fantasty for me, but ok . I will give it 6/10.

And movie time. It;s "Hancock". I know - again comedy, but what can I say? I like comedies :)

There are heroes ... superheroes ... and Hancock. With great power comes great responsibility, and everyone knows that ... Everyone, except Hancock. Forever irritable, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood, Hancock, perhaps saving many lives, thanks to his years, but leaves a lot of damage. Residents of Los Angeles have had enough - but are happy to have their local hero, however, are wondering what this did to deserve this guy. Man totally does not care about what other people think - until the day he saves the life of PR chief for Ray Embrey. It was then that surly superhero begins to realize that he may have, however, this second, sensitive side of personality. Facing that will be Hancock's greatest challenge. Ray's wife, Mary, alleges that he is a lost cause.

I like this movie but the ending is truly hopeless. I will give it 6,5/10.

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