piątek, 13 maja 2011

"Brain" - Robin Cook , "Old Dogs"

Today book is a thriller. It is very interested and makes another look for a medicine. Now medicals associate me with a scary scientists that makes experiments on people...

The main character is Martin Philips, the neuresurgeon . He tests the new medical wonder - the computer that detect the brain ilnesses. A few womas had a strange symtops. Everyone dissapeard. Martin with her girlfriend Denise wants to know what's going on . And they fall into the trouble. They don't knoe who they can trust. Everyone hane secrets.

This is good book but it has a very difficult language. I give it 7/10.

And movie - "Old Dogs". This is a comedy with genious roles of John Travolta and Robin Williams. Film made me laught and san, but generaly laught.

Movie talks about two bisnesmen - Dan and Charlie. Dan wants to meet his exwife and be with her again. They appears that he is a dad of twins. He with a little help from "uncle Charlie" must take care of them by some time. But in the same time they makes a contract worth a milions. It will be a big problem but they decide to hug twins. Whether they succeed?

It's one of my favourite films but sometimes silly. I will give it 8,5/10 points.

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