niedziela, 15 maja 2011

"Dark Guardian: Full Moon" - Rachel Hawthorne , "Grown Ups"

"Dark Guardian: Full Moon". When I stared to read it I couldn't understand what's going on . It appears that it's second part of book series . But I think that if I even know what is it about I won't like it . It's to many love, fantactic, weird and generaly not good. (In my oppinion).

Book is about Lindsey who in her 17 birthay will be Night Guardian . (Unless I'm mistaken she will be werewolf or something his kind). Every girl who will take a transformation must have man, with who she will be whole life. From few years she is sure that it will be Connor. But when birthday commings she fall in love with Rafe. And she must decide. In their forrest happen dangerous things and they must defend it.

Book is boring and sometimes hard to understand. I will give it 4,5/10.

(Polish cover is much better)

And a film! Comedy again . It's "Grown Ups". In this movie plays Adam Sandler. He is a good actor. Film is a little bit stupid but funny and good.

Five friends who plays in school in same basketball team meet after years on their trainers funeral . They decide to "fresh" the knowledge and are goind with their families on common trip. They recall childhood - play outdoors, stupid games etc. But their children prefer be inside and play computer. They bring ban of using computers and other technical things. At the beggining kids are unhappy but later they like it . Friends meet the old opponent of opposing team . And they wants to play a mach . Who will win? Let's see!

I love this movie! I will give it 9/10.

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