czwartek, 19 maja 2011

"Le Petit Nicolas" - Jacques Sempe , "The Devil Wears Prada"

Today's book is "Le Petit Nicholas". This is a story about a boy and his family and school life. I like this book because it is written in simple, childish way, and put a smile on your face.

Nicholas is a boy who - like his peers - is experiencing an incredible adventure. His colleagues are characterized by the unique characteristics - it is still Alces, Godfrey has a very rich dad, Rufus has a policeman father, Ananias is a darling lady, and likes to give fellow Eusebius in the nose. The book is likened to the life of the average child, so our hero's adventures are most likely a different threads - one moment Eryngium crying, laughing the next.

I loved this book as a child and I like it now. I rate it an 8 / 10.

And a movie. It's "The Devil Wears Prada. " I think this is a film drama. It is sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes romantic. I like Meryl Streep and I thing she played perfectly

Young girl wins the coveted job at one of the most prestigious fashion magazines in New York, hoping that it opens the way for a great career. Bad luck is that her ruthless boss is a woman from hell. This must be done by anyone, even the dumbest or most impossible order. Soon it is going better and better.

I think that the movie is too many threads of love. I will give it 6,5/10.

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