sobota, 21 maja 2011

"Vamps" - Nancy A. Collins , "Bounty Hunter"

This time book will be about vampires. It's good, but not genious.

Welcome to night school ... to the best of the immortals. When the sun sets, real girls from the elite New York bound for Bathory Academy, where young ladies of the finest vampire families learn how to change the character and attract their ofiary.Lilith, the undisputed queen of the school, knows exactly what she wants from life: to maintain eternal beauty and play every night until dawn with her ​​amazing boyfriend. I do not want someone this disturbed her.
But there is Cally. The first meeting of the two girls ends in tragedy and Lilith begins to hunger for revenge ...

I like this book but for more than half book it's boring and when it finally starts to happen something book ends and have to wait for 2 part. I give it 6/10

And a movie. "Bounty Hunter". It's an criminal comedy. It's good and plays there Jennifer Aniston. I like her :)

Milo Boyd an ex-cop takes on the role of bounty hunters. Waiting for him for $ 5,000 to bring his ex-wife Nicole Hurley into custody. The task seems easy for him, but it proves to be difficult to implement. She is very cunning.

This is fun comedy, but hard to understand if it's romantic action or comedy . It's hard to be 3 all. I give it 7/10.

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