wtorek, 10 maja 2011

"Marked" - P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast , "Love Actually"

Today i recommend book named "Marked". It is the first part of "House of Night" novel. The authors are Kristin Cast and her mother Phyllis Christine Cast. The book is fantasty and sometimes about love.

Book is about Zoey Redbird who gets marked and goes to House of Night, the school for vampires. What's weird adult vampires have full moon on forehead and  adepts have a contour of moon. Zoey have full moon. She meet friends: Stevie Ray, Shaunie, Erin, Damien and Eric. She must learn to take a transformation to adult vampire.

What I like in this book? In my oppinion best thing is religion. There is so many culture, customs and alemental. Authors exaclty describe a mileage of celebratin. The second best things are characters. There are reality and from start arouse a positive mood, even in not funny moments. What I don'd like in this book? First 3 part are good, but other are too fantasty but I had to write about first part. In first part I don't like too many love scenes.

I will give this book 7/10 points. It was reat but I read better.

And time for a film. Today it will be "Love Actually". This is a comedy/love film about christmas. A film is full of emotion. Started on happines and end on sad . The movie is a little bit embroiled .

A film is about a few histories happens in Christmas. About a marriage, a little boy who fall in love with a most popular girl in the school, about a teenager who goes to America, about a gromsmann who love a wife of his best friend, about a writer, that fall in love with his land lady, about old rock star, about a woman who fall in love with her associate and more. It is perfect film to watch in Christmas.

I like this film very much. I will give it 9/10.

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