poniedziałek, 30 maja 2011

"Need" - Carrie Jones , "Tytanic"

This time book won't be so good. It's "Need" . Book is like devited in two parts . Normal/realic and very fantastic. First part is good, but other... no so good.

Zara collects phobias like other teens collect friends on Facebook. It is no wonder that so far her life was not all roses. Zara's father disappeared long ago, my beloved stepfather has just died, and his mother gave up the parenting responsibilities. The heroine has to live with his grandmother in a sleepy, cold town in Maine - apparently there is not no danger threatens her ... only to time. In the provincial life of Zara appears mysterious man who calls the girl paralyzing fear. It is the king piksów - terrifying, not least from the mythological creatures sucking human blood, and with it - and soul.

I like the begginind of book . Interesting , secred and good . But it doesn't reflects book which is bad. I give it 4/10.

And a film - timeless "Tytanic". In this film plays Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet who in my oppinion is a little bit to old and ugly for him :)

On a sunny April day in 1912, on the English coast of the aristocratic family along with 17-year-old Rose  are taken on board the Titanic, going on a trip to the United States. Half an hour later, playing poker in a cheap, port bar 23-year-old Jack Dawson  wins happily III class ticket on the Titanic voyage. At the last moment before leaving the ship runs on its board. Thus begins a great love story, which was to transform the lives of beautiful, rich, but unhappy Rose, and the poor, not having anything but painting Jack talent.

This film is popular but no without a rison . It's sad and beautiful and make people cry . I give it 9,5/10.

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